Welcome to our 6th annual craftalong! Inspired by the famous Mr. Rogers quote that in times of trouble you should look for the helpers, I’m encouraging folks to BE the helpers.
The 6th Be A Helper Craft-a-long has begun! We keep the rules simple.
• Anything you make for any charity counts, doesn’t have to be knit/crochet/woven or spun. ANYthing you make for ANY charity.
• One FO per Google Form submission: https://forms.gle/QdJuQUSr8uM7GoiF6
• Donating blood counts too!
• Google Form closes when I wake up March 15th.
• Wips are always welcome
• Partial FOs count, for example if you make a blanket strip and your local yarn shop sews them together to make full blankets, count your blanket strip.
One change this year – due to the ongoing accessibility issues at Ravelry, finished objects can be submitted here in the FO Thread (link goes to Ravelry) or via a Google Form.
Link to Google Form to submit your Finished Object/blood donation:
And one last minute addition – due to the recent KY tornado crisis, I’ve adjusted the rules so that anyone who donated blood anywhere in the world on or after December 10 will earn an entry. Please post in the FO thread or the google form, and thank you for helping your fellow citizens!